[11:46:41 AM] John Santolucito: ill just write to u about it
[11:46:46 AM] John Santolucito: okay here it goes
[11:46:49 AM] Mark Santolucito: ya
[11:47:01 AM] John Santolucito: i got up early like 6:15 and then studied cause i got the test tommorrow
[11:47:05 AM] Mark Santolucito: you can do a condensed version if you want
[11:47:08 AM] John Santolucito: and then i ate breakfst
[11:47:20 AM] John Santolucito: and then i walked to the school
[11:47:30 AM] John Santolucito: and i noticed i forgot my camera so that sucked
[11:47:36 AM] John Santolucito: and i didnt have tome to go back
[11:47:42 AM] John Santolucito: so i didnt get any pictures
[11:47:44 AM] Mark Santolucito: oh thats to bad
[11:47:48 AM] John Santolucito: and then we got on the bus
[11:47:53 AM] John Santolucito: and we went to the expo
[11:48:01 AM] John Santolucito: we waited an hour to buy tickets
[11:48:08 AM] Mark Santolucito: i thought you already had ti
[11:48:10 AM] John Santolucito: then w waited 2 hrs in security
[11:48:10 AM] Mark Santolucito: x
[11:48:24 AM] John Santolucito: we had reserv to buy tickets
[11:48:30 AM] John Santolucito: so wwe didnt have to wit as long
[11:48:30 AM] Mark Santolucito: oh
[11:48:37 AM] Mark Santolucito: wow
[11:48:41 AM] John Santolucito: and thenwwe went to us pavillion
[11:48:45 AM] John Santolucito: we had vip
[11:48:51 AM] John Santolucito: so we didnt have to wait in line
[11:48:54 AM] John Santolucito: it was good
[11:49:14 AM] John Santolucito: but the pavilion was all about americans being idiots and not being able to speak chinese
[11:49:18 AM] John Santolucito: and it sucked
[11:49:27 AM] Mark Santolucito: hahahah
[11:49:27 AM] John Santolucito: but there were 4 videos
[11:49:36 AM] Mark Santolucito: videos?
[11:49:39 AM] John Santolucito: that was just the first 3
[11:49:43 AM] John Santolucito: like movies
[11:49:55 AM] John Santolucito: four imax movie theaters u go through
[11:50:06 AM] Mark Santolucito: wow cool
[11:50:08 AM] John Santolucito: but they have speakers like omni theater and
[11:50:13 AM] John Santolucito: artificial sun
[11:50:17 AM] John Santolucito: and artificial rain
[11:50:22 AM] John Santolucito: and all that stuff
[11:50:24 AM] Mark Santolucito: wow!
[11:50:25 AM] Mark Santolucito: thats sick
[11:50:27 AM] John Santolucito: to recreate weather
[11:50:39 AM] John Santolucito: so i got soaked wen it rained in the fourth movie
[11:50:48 AM] Mark Santolucito: hahah
[11:50:56 AM] Mark Santolucito: how long were they?
[11:50:56 AM] John Santolucito: and then i bought two t shirts for u and bill
[11:51:02 AM] John Santolucito: likd 20 min ea
[11:51:05 AM] Mark Santolucito: oh cool thanks
[11:51:12 AM] John Santolucito: we wait in lin like 5 min
[11:51:19 AM] John Santolucito: normally is like 4-5 hrs
[11:51:25 AM] Mark Santolucito: wow!
[11:51:29 AM] Mark Santolucito: you got really lucky then
[11:51:32 AM] John Santolucito: anyway then we went to the china pavilion
[11:51:38 AM] John Santolucito: it was rlly good
[11:51:44 AM] Mark Santolucito: how much were these tix?
[11:51:44 AM] John Santolucito: amazing rlly
[11:51:48 AM] John Santolucito: idk
[11:51:53 AM] Mark Santolucito: oh
[11:51:55 AM] John Santolucito: 300 RMB last sunmmer
[11:51:59 AM] Mark Santolucito: what wsa at the china pavillion
[11:52:06 AM] Mark Santolucito: how much is that
[11:52:08 AM] John Santolucito: alot of cool stuff
[11:52:18 AM] John Santolucito: Dr. Chen said i should talk to some chinese people
[11:52:25 AM] Mark Santolucito: ha
[11:52:27 AM] Mark Santolucito: awesoem
[11:52:30 AM] Mark Santolucito: he must like you
[11:52:31 AM] John Santolucito: so i talked to every chinese person that we stopped by
[11:52:32 AM] John Santolucito: in line
[11:52:35 AM] Mark Santolucito: haha
[11:52:42 AM] John Santolucito: cause we waited in line 4 hrs
[11:52:43 AM] Mark Santolucito: were they surprised
[11:52:47 AM] John Santolucito: to get into china pavilion
[11:52:50 AM] John Santolucito: ya ther were
[11:52:52 AM] Mark Santolucito: what i thought you had vip
[11:53:01 AM] John Santolucito: well we got into china pavilion like 30 min
[11:53:06 AM] Mark Santolucito: ya?
[11:53:16 AM] John Santolucito: but then we had to wait to get into elevator
[11:53:20 AM] John Santolucito: but watec
[11:53:35 AM] Mark Santolucito: so you waited 3.5 hrs for an elevator?
[11:53:36 AM] John Santolucito: and then we saw all kinds of cool sstuff
[11:53:40 AM] John Santolucito: umm ya
[11:53:42 AM] Mark Santolucito: like tech stuff
[11:53:45 AM] John Santolucito: there was like 10000 ppl
[11:53:50 AM] Mark Santolucito: !
[11:53:51 AM] John Santolucito: waiting in lin
[11:53:55 AM] Mark Santolucito: !!!
[11:54:03 AM] John Santolucito: 700k to 1m ppl come every day
[11:54:09 AM] Mark Santolucito: wowo!
[11:54:14 AM] John Santolucito: ya alot of ppl
[11:54:16 AM] Mark Santolucito: thats crazy
[11:54:20 AM] John Santolucito: more than the pop of boston
[11:54:26 AM] Mark Santolucito: do you go back again
[11:54:32 AM] John Santolucito: no
[11:54:36 AM] John Santolucito: very very expensive
[11:54:41 AM] Mark Santolucito: oh
[11:54:48 AM] Mark Santolucito: how much is 300 RMB
[11:54:53 AM] John Santolucito: like more than 150 USD to get in now
[11:55:08 AM] John Santolucito: 300 RMB was 1 year advance to get reservation to buy the ticket
[11:55:16 AM] John Santolucito: 300 rmb is like $50
[11:55:27 AM] Mark Santolucito: oh to reserve for this year
[11:55:30 AM] Mark Santolucito: wow
[11:55:31 AM] John Santolucito: ya
[11:55:53 AM] John Santolucito: anyway then it was like 1630
[11:56:02 AM] Mark Santolucito: haha
[11:56:08 AM] John Santolucito: so we were told we had 430 hr freetime
[11:56:15 AM] Mark Santolucito: awesome!
[11:56:22 AM] Mark Santolucito: whatd you do
[11:56:26 AM] John Santolucito: so i went to greece pavilion first
[11:56:32 AM] John Santolucito: rlly cool i got suvlaki
[11:56:35 AM] John Santolucito: lamb
[11:56:40 AM] John Santolucito: good stuff
[11:56:50 AM] Mark Santolucito: does each country have one
[11:56:54 AM] John Santolucito: yes
[11:56:59 AM] John Santolucito: then i went to italy
[11:57:05 AM] John Santolucito: i got pasta for dinner
[11:57:09 AM] Mark Santolucito: awesome
[11:57:12 AM] John Santolucito: well first dinner
[11:57:14 AM] Mark Santolucito: did they all have tech
[11:57:15 AM] John Santolucito: penne
[11:57:21 AM] John Santolucito: well its tech
[11:57:27 AM] John Santolucito: but more so culture
[11:57:30 AM] John Santolucito: like
[11:57:37 AM] Mark Santolucito: oh cool like the world fair i guess
[11:57:40 AM] John Santolucito: they show their country culture
[11:57:45 AM] John Santolucito: it is the world fair
[11:57:50 AM] John Santolucito: they renamed it
[11:57:55 AM] Mark Santolucito: oh
[11:57:57 AM] Mark Santolucito: awesome
[11:58:05 AM] John Santolucito: now its
[11:58:09 AM] John Santolucito: Exposition
[11:58:11 AM] John Santolucito: ???
[11:58:20 AM] John Santolucito: not rlly sure where they got that name
[11:58:23 AM] Mark Santolucito: haha
[11:58:23 AM] John Santolucito: but anyway
[11:58:33 AM] John Santolucito: after italy i went to Luxembourg
[11:58:38 AM] John Santolucito: kinda dumb
[11:58:45 AM] John Santolucito: they prtty much said
[11:58:45 AM] Mark Santolucito: haha
[11:58:52 AM] John Santolucito: we r the richest country in the world
[11:59:17 AM] John Santolucito: and we made our pavilion out of this extremely expensive steel
[11:59:21 AM] John Santolucito: cause we are so rich
[11:59:28 AM] Mark Santolucito: hahaa
[11:59:32 AM] John Santolucito: and we can afford to not recycle
[11:59:42 AM] John Santolucito: pretty funny
[11:59:47 AM] Mark Santolucito: haha awesome
[12:00:00 PM] John Santolucito: i got a sample of this like steak wrapped in potato stuff
[12:00:05 PM] John Santolucito: pretty good
[12:00:09 PM] Mark Santolucito: from lux
[12:00:14 PM] John Santolucito: ya
[12:00:19 PM] Mark Santolucito: cool
[12:00:27 PM] John Santolucito: keep in mind i have to wait along time to get into these places
[12:00:39 PM] John Santolucito: like 1 hr+
[12:00:42 PM] John Santolucito: wa
[12:00:42 PM] Mark Santolucito: is it mostly chinese
[12:00:44 PM] John Santolucito: ea
[12:00:50 PM] John Santolucito: 85% or more
[12:00:56 PM] Mark Santolucito: coo
[12:01:16 PM] John Santolucito: all the while when i was in line i was talking chinese with families and introducing myseld
[12:01:31 PM] John Santolucito: and all that stuff
[12:01:40 PM] Mark Santolucito: awesome
[12:01:49 PM] John Santolucito: so i went from the extreme wealth of Lux
[12:02:00 PM] John Santolucito: to the africa pavilion which was just depressing
[12:02:14 PM] John Santolucito: like
[12:02:17 PM] Mark Santolucito: haha
[12:02:59 PM] John Santolucito: i cant believe lux is spending so much money while the african countries all had like little huts the size of idk my room
[12:03:06 PM] John Santolucito: and were selling trinkets
[12:03:08 PM] John Santolucito: for money
[12:03:19 PM] Mark Santolucito: huh
[12:03:36 PM] John Santolucito: lux spend 1b+ on their building
[12:03:41 PM] Mark Santolucito: wow
[12:03:44 PM] John Santolucito: ya
[12:03:53 PM] Mark Santolucito: and africa is starving
[12:03:57 PM] Mark Santolucito: crazy
[12:03:57 PM] John Santolucito: yup
Sunday, July 4, 2010
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That turn out to be a terrific blog entry!
ReplyDeleteWay to go---mak'in some lemonade out of lemons!!